Thursday, August 8, 2019


What if it is not a problem?

This is happening, and I am disturbed.

I am disturbed because I think it should not be happening.

Because I think it should not be happening, and yet it is, I make it into a problem.

Problems disturb me.

It is a problem because my resistance and framing has made it such.

If it is happening, and I choose to allow it to be an opportunity instead of a problem, I am not disturbed.

This is happening, and if I make it a problem, I am disturbed. If I do not make it a problem, I am not disturbed.

So, where is the problem and disturbance?

The out there is not really the variable. The variable is in here.

This is happening. I look at it. I feel it. I sense and embrace my initial reactivity to it. I watch the labels I apply and make the connection between those labels and my disturbance.

I am making it a problem and then reacting to it as such.

I am making my own problems and disturbances. In so doing I block the opportunity.

If I did not make it a problem my creativity and innovation would kick in and I am able to follow the flow of opportunity. The flow of possibility. I am energized rather than disturbed. I decide to respond rather than to react.

Problem or possibility? Decision or disturbance? React or respond?

What is it is not a problem?