As the days of this designated Heart Awareness Month continue to rapidly speed by, I am struck with an awareness of how much that theme is at the crux of my spirituality and awakening. To be aware of and in the heart space on a moment by moment basis is for me the very Essence of living in such a way as to integrate and embody Source Truth. With what seems to be an ever growing body of information and knowledge, the condition of the heart is truly the consciousness of the individual. The vast majority of the world’s population is living as if mesmerized by the trance of the surface mind content. The tendency is to be so captivated by the perceptual lens that what is in front of that prescription is lost in any immediate or intimate way. We are always looking at what we are looking with, and so the aliveness of life beyond the conditioning is unavailable while we are at the dictates of our own mental filters. The heart is shrouded by our emotional imprinting, mental labels, and past stories. The condition of the heart is cloudy and murky, and so the clarity of wisdom that is the communication of the sacred heart is lost to us for any practical purpose. The heart is the portal of the Soul, and so while we remain governed by our mental programs, we will be under the authority of the personality with all of its attachments and aversions. There is no lasting peace to be found while entranced by the mind. Serenity may only be found in the depths of the Soulful heart. Serenity may only be found on the far side of our grief, fear, anger, and shame. We must- each and every one of us- move through these energetic veils. There are no short cuts. Heart awareness is radical, relentless, and uncompromising. True heart awareness is not Hallmark. It is the path of the spiritual warrior. It is for those who are ready to face the deepest wells of their fears, and are faithfully ready to plunge those depths. While it is spiritually correct these days to speak of moving from the head to the heart, the direct experience is far beyond a few new thought affirmations. It requires courage, diligence, vigilance, and a deep dedication. We must be as passionate about Truth as we have been about our ego stories. We must devote ourselves to momently heartful living. It must be our priority. It must be our reason for being. The Universal Source is primed and poised to flow through our open, willing hearts. Yet it requires our choice. And heart awareness is exactly that. A moment by moment choice.
The sacred heart center is the energetic portal of Soul-Sourced transformation. Transformation cannot happen via the mind. Use your energetic heart. Stay focused in the middle of the chest cavity, and feel the natural serenity that emanates from that chosen focus. When dissonance occurs, breathe it in and through the heart center. Choose to consciously feel whatever is arising, and know beyond surface mind knowing that it has truly come to pass. Rest in the knowingness that you are using your heart for something much bigger than only your individual comfort level. You are choosing to join the awakened beings that recognize that who we choose to be and what we choose to do with our individual fields of consciousness is our contribution to the whole and to the One. The heart is the instrument. You are the choice point. Awareness is the gift. Heart awareness is not the domain of a single month or a well meaning not-for-profit. It is the passionate purpose of those who are devoted to living in and as Source Love. Stay awake in the awareness that heartfulness is why we are here.