Monday, March 14, 2011
As I write this mid-month edition of RADICAL EXPRESSION I am very mindful of the growing devastation in Japan. My heart swells with loving compassion for all those who are suffering. I invite you to join me as you read these opening lines in sending Light energy to this part of the One Human Family. Let us hold a vision in our Heart-minds of a return to peacefulness and to Divine Right Action emerging perfectly from all of the chaos. Such nobility, selflessness, and grace are being demonstrated there; so very powerful and inspiring to witness.
I am eternally grateful for a shift that occurred in my heart years ago that allows me to choose to be present to these types of catastrophic world events. There was a time I might have shrugged off a surface “that’s too bad” and a tertiary prayer, then gone about my business with nary a concern. After all, they are people I do not know in a country I know little of. Today I feel a true and deep connection to all peoples of the earth, and I appreciate in a profound way that there isn’t in spiritual reality an actual “us and them.” We truly are One people. It matters to me what is happening to that part of the shared creation. As a part of the One, the way I am choosing to behold this situation matters in its evolutionary out-picturing. My prayers have an effect. My faith is relative to the way this unfolds. That is the gift of an awakened and an engaged spirituality. I care and that caring adds to the healing process half way around the world.
The profound lessons that humanity is facing are lessons for us all. They may be occurring on what is termed foreign soil, but let’s remember that there is one earth and that geographic boundaries are a human device. We as people all over the world have in many ways abused and belittled our precious Mother Earth. Commercialization has replaced caring in a myriad of circumstances. There are certainly some countries and cultures that engage in this diminishment more than others, and any wakeful person will recognize that The United States is a major perpetrator. While I do not believe in a punitive Source, creation does reflect and respond to the energies and the actions that we of self-reflective consciousness are heaping upon our environment. We are witnessing a growing number of devastating natural events, and we must awaken to the fact that this is in direct relation to the chaos and lack of compassion within the collective human consciousness. We are stewards of our Gaia earth, and yet she has a collective wisdom that has been lost in our age of super-technology and vamped up consumerism. The earth is sacred and is an extension of our own body. We will treat the earth with the same quality of attention we bring to our own bodies. And in an age of mind-identification, most people barely realize that they are in a body. When we begin to treat these glorious instruments of incarnation with the caring, dignity, and honor they deserve, we will naturally bring that same honoring presence to the earth we live upon.
We are paying a high price for our pillaging. This living organism is quaking at our disrespect. Our waves of unconsciousness are being matched with literal waves that wash away our structures and tragically our fellow beings. We must awaken to the inseparable connection between earth and its inhabitants, and the profound effect one has upon the other. We must awaken to the responsibility we share for the tending of our earth garden and it waters. We must face the unconscious places in ourselves, and bring peace to the chaos that fills our minds and clouds our hearts. Our every choice matters. Our every decision to come from a higher place within ourselves has an effect in our Unified Field. Our every thought, feeling, action and prayer is a contribution to the whole. How you show up in each moment affects the One. It is time to own our innate power, and in doing so, to heal the earth. We have suffered enough the effects of our unconsciousness. Commit today to awaken and to make a conscious contribution to this glorious realm we have been given. Commit to allowing your individual field of consciousness to be a gift to the people of Japan and to the world as One. Allow this situation to open your heart and to increase your compassion and your wakefulness. Know that your relationship to this situation and to the world at large has an effect. How you care matters. How you attend to your inner world affects the outer world as well. How you treat your body has an effect on the earth. Let’s listen to the teaching of the Mother, and return to the reverencing care that She deserves. She is calling in unmistakable tones. Listen, and return to the love.