Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I am so very grateful for the miraculous shift in my perspective that allows me to now see the experiences of my life and of my world in a more symbolic way than literal. It seems as though one day I woke up, and I had begun to see life through a metaphysical lens. It was nothing that I the personally self did or tried for. I did pray to see life differently, and the revised life-lens was the indisputable answer to that prayer. It doesn’t by any means disallow emotional triggering or past-identified projections. It does, however, grace me with the rapid recognition of what is happening, and with the now habitual inquiry into what situations are reflecting in the service of my Soul.

I have been watching with growing fascination the situation in the country of Iran, and the growing controversy and unrest in reaction to the resent election. Placing aside the particulars and the players for the purposes of this blog, my fascination lies in the out picturing of the unstoppable quest for freedom intrinsic to the human spirit. I know in my own life experience, there are few things more precious to me than the value of personal freedom. If I were to sum up my own personal spiritual venture, it would be the interplay between the quality of love and the value of freedom, as they inform the particulars of my human experience. I absolutely must be free, and I must live in love. I could also say that I must be free to love at any cost. With some of my own particular wounds and challenges, the living out of love has certainly been a journey from bondage to freedom. As I have faced my own inner shadows, it has felt at times like the cosmic election was rigged against me, and whenever I felt imprisoned by my own misperceptions, I ran. I RAN. Every time. I was either running from or running to, and usually both were active at the same time. But I thought I had to run away in order to be free. I felt as if I had my own Ahmadinejad dictating my life and keeping me bound. Of course it wasn’t until I stopped running that I began to taste the sweet taste of freedom. I had to elect to stop the avoidance strategies, and face the places within myself that I had so long avoided. No Moussaui or Ayatolla could save me. I had to elect to love myself enough to face my own inner dictator, and to take the necessary steps to free myself from the prison I had unconsciously created. It was my vote and only my vote that opened the way for an experience of loving freedom. When I finally stopped running, I found that there was never anything to run from.

I am so pulling for my brothers and sisters in Iran, and for all who struggle in the name of freedom. I compassion the situations in this world that still hold people captive, even as I embrace the larger Truth that only we as individuals can ensure our own freedom. However the particulars play out in Iran, a renewed quest has been ignited, and justice will win out. Love and freedom are the Source and so the birthright of all people, and it will be a Reality right here on earth. It will be accomplished one Soul at a time, as we begin to stop running and facing what we must face. Yes, it takes courage. But that courageousness is inherent in the human Soul. It will lead the way and shine the Light, and Love and freedom will indeed reign supreme.