If you have been around my teachings with any regularity, you will know that I love acronyms. One day several years ago now, I simply started thinking in them, and seeing them where no one else seemed to notice. I find them to be a wonderful way of calling important principles into my awareness, and they have been a fun and often-profound teaching tool for me and for others. It has been a practice for me in the past few years to tap into my inspired heart-space, and allow an acronym theme to arise that guides me through my years, and also through each month. I rarely share these with others, but the one I chose for July feels too good to keep to myself!
My theme for the month of July is: JOYFUL UNLIMITED LOVING YES! I have long resonated with the thematic behind our nations birthday celebration, and FREEDOM is perhaps my most compelling value. As I reflect upon the deeper meaning of INDEPENDENCE, for individuals as well as for our country, I appreciate more and more the fundamentals upon which this United States was established. LIBERTY and JUSTICE are key components in the functioning of a democracy, and the same holds true for the spiritual engagement of we as individuals. We often hear the Sacred Truth that all people are ONE, and it is a vital part of our emergence to learn this in a deep and practical way. Theory will not heal the separation that has divided the human race. FREEDOM, INDEPENDENCE, LIBERTY, and JUSTICE, are the right of all people. In order to embody and to extend that Truth, we must first know those values for ourselves.
In order to know at depth an intimate connection that leads to ONE, autonomy must be firmly established within the individual making that choice. To come into a real and true ability to choose requires a quantum leap in consciousness. To be truly FREE, INDEPENDENT, AT LIBERTY, and to become a stand for JUSTICE, we must integrate and embody what we say we believe in a stable and mature way that demands rigorous honesty and deep integrity. We must let go the notion that other people and outer circumstances are dictating or coloring our inner atmosphere. We must know that we were given in our creation absolute FREEDOM. Mass consciousness need not determine individual consciousness. In that regard, INDEPENDENCE becomes crucial in how we choose to live our spiritual inheritance. LIBERTY is holding to Truth, even when the masses are holding to the illusions of fearful outer appearances. We are invited to recognize the Divine JUSTICE that operates as Law without fail, and to know that this JUSTICE is far superior to human logic.
As these values become firmly established in our consciousness, our experience of this ONE Life becomes more and more JOYFUL and UNLIMITED. Our FREE and INDEPENDENT choice to LOVE leads us to align and to flow with the Universal YES that is the Cosmic Dynamic. Steeped in Divine autonomy, our consciousness literally becomes a space of YES. There is nothing to fight or defend. True FREEDOM is the ability to say YES to whatever is in the moment. And being a space of present moment YES will always lead to JOYFUL UNLIMITED LOVE.
My theme for the month of July is: JOYFUL UNLIMITED LOVING YES! I have long resonated with the thematic behind our nations birthday celebration, and FREEDOM is perhaps my most compelling value. As I reflect upon the deeper meaning of INDEPENDENCE, for individuals as well as for our country, I appreciate more and more the fundamentals upon which this United States was established. LIBERTY and JUSTICE are key components in the functioning of a democracy, and the same holds true for the spiritual engagement of we as individuals. We often hear the Sacred Truth that all people are ONE, and it is a vital part of our emergence to learn this in a deep and practical way. Theory will not heal the separation that has divided the human race. FREEDOM, INDEPENDENCE, LIBERTY, and JUSTICE, are the right of all people. In order to embody and to extend that Truth, we must first know those values for ourselves.
In order to know at depth an intimate connection that leads to ONE, autonomy must be firmly established within the individual making that choice. To come into a real and true ability to choose requires a quantum leap in consciousness. To be truly FREE, INDEPENDENT, AT LIBERTY, and to become a stand for JUSTICE, we must integrate and embody what we say we believe in a stable and mature way that demands rigorous honesty and deep integrity. We must let go the notion that other people and outer circumstances are dictating or coloring our inner atmosphere. We must know that we were given in our creation absolute FREEDOM. Mass consciousness need not determine individual consciousness. In that regard, INDEPENDENCE becomes crucial in how we choose to live our spiritual inheritance. LIBERTY is holding to Truth, even when the masses are holding to the illusions of fearful outer appearances. We are invited to recognize the Divine JUSTICE that operates as Law without fail, and to know that this JUSTICE is far superior to human logic.
As these values become firmly established in our consciousness, our experience of this ONE Life becomes more and more JOYFUL and UNLIMITED. Our FREE and INDEPENDENT choice to LOVE leads us to align and to flow with the Universal YES that is the Cosmic Dynamic. Steeped in Divine autonomy, our consciousness literally becomes a space of YES. There is nothing to fight or defend. True FREEDOM is the ability to say YES to whatever is in the moment. And being a space of present moment YES will always lead to JOYFUL UNLIMITED LOVE.
I invite you to join me this month in a devotion to JOYFUL UNLIMITED LOVING YES! FREEDOM is a right and a privilege, and one that bears a responsibility. As we commit ourselves to establishing and maintaining an inner space of Universal FREEDOM, INDEPENDENCE, LIBERTY, JUSTICE, all people are lifted as ONE by those values. It is a choice that’s time has come. And that is cause for great, great JOY.
SATURDAY, JULY 26 10:00AM-4:00PM