Thursday, May 18, 2017


I want to experience this day as if I were a dog hanging my head out of a moving car window.

I want to feel the breezes and winds of life blowing against my skin. I want to notice every scent that hangs upon those breezes. I want to relax my face, let my tongue hang out, and not care what I look like as I feel myself become one with the wind, the scents, and the sky.

I want to go for a ride with absolutely no thought of destination. I want to lean so far into the experience that I risk falling out of the car, and I want to know that the risk is worth the lean.

I want to let myself be taken for a ride by life. I want to trust so fully in the great Driver that I give no thought to the mechanics of the navigation, and never feel compelled to look back or over.

I want to be so completely taken by what I am seeing and feeling that it never occurs to me that I myself may be being watched.

I want to experience the thrill of freely and fully experiencing the experience, not distracting myself with fears about when the ride might end.

I want to end this day with messy hair, tired cheeks, reverberating wonder, and a body with only enough energy to fall into a delicious sleep that comes from having relished only the ride.

So open the door, and watch me hop right in. Roll down that window, and watch my head pop on out. Now speed up please. I have a lot of world to see, to taste, to smell, to wag.