Wednesday, January 31, 2024


It has finally landed.

Life is for me.

Nothing in at least my world prepared me to know that, let alone live from it.

I was taught that life happened to me. The best I could do was to fend off what was coming at me. Life was largely something to defend against. It was dangerous. People were dangerous. That was the programming. It was not exclusive. But it was there for sure. It saturated my experience from an early age.

I also watched almost continuous attempts at control. I mean, defense is one form of control. Constant scrutiny for danger is a form of control. High level reptilian living is misguided control. Natural, but in many ways not helpful. Of course, these are all attempts at what can never be controlled. Life is happening to us, and we reach for the tribal tools we were provided with to try and deal with it.

Even as a child I suspected there was something very off with this “to” approach. It did not sit well in my gut or in my heart. I always felt something stirring and moving in and as a more expansive inner reality. My intuition was at odds with my familial and cultural programming. Yet I also knew I was on to something.

Religion in many ways only supported the notion that life and God happened to me. Praying to have things be different rarely resulted in changed effects or circumstances. God happened to the Biblical characters of old and God was happening to me, my family, my world. Trying to appease a God that was happening “to” me resulted not in increased faith but in increased anxiety.

The shifting in my perceptions and experiences was slow but also steady and sure. My suspicions gained traction and I gathered more and more evidence that life was not only happening to me. At first, I began to feel the way that life was not only happening TO but also THROUGH me. This was subtle at first, but by focusing energy into it, it began to gain momentum. Velocity. It came in tangible waves.

I began to surf the growing waves of intuition and my sense of cooperation increased. I began to live in a felt awareness of a Life bigger than “me” or “mine.” There is really no such thing as “my life.” There is Life, and there is my experience of it. This for me was quantum. It opened an entire new world of experience.

This for me was quantum.

And there it was. A quantum shift in my consciousness and in my experience.

This FOR me.

Life was not happening TO me. Life was happening FOR me. I only needed to choose to see it that way. I needed to go beyond standard reasoning and look FOR the hidden good in all things. It was always there. It had to be. FOR life was already FOR me. Even when I was not.

My constant defense against what was happening to me prevented me from perceiving the ever-present movement of Good that was always for me.

My constant attempts at control prevented me from cooperating with the Essential movement of Life in all Its grand orchestrations. In trying to fend off what I feared might happen to me I was also blocking what was seeking to happen for me.

And so it has finally landed.

Life is for me.

I know that to be true.

I trust it to be accurate and active.

And so, this is the perfect year to dedicate to knowing even more fully for myself and sharing widely with all who choose to listen that:

Life is FOR you! I invite you to join me in an embodied and actualized movement from Life happening TO you to Life happening FOR you.

2024. TO to FOR.

Let it be more than a concept. Allow it to be the Reality that it is.

Life is FOR you.

Let it be so.